How Much Do Garage Cabinets Cost? A Comprehensive Guide to Pricing and Installation

Garage cabinets are an excellent way to organize and maximize your garage space. They provide a storage solution that keeps your tools, equipment, and other items neatly tucked away, freeing up valuable floor space. However, one of the most common questions homeowners interested in getting cabinets for their garage ask is, “How much do garage cabinets cost?”

The cost of garage cabinets can vary widely based on several factors, including material, type, customization, and installation. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about the cost of garage cabinets so you can make an informed decision.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Garage Cabinets

When considering the cost of garage cabinets, it’s essential to understand the various factors that can influence the final price. Here are the main elements that can affect how much garage cabinets cost:


The material you choose for your garage cabinets can significantly impact the overall cost. Here are the most common materials used for garage cabinets:

  • Wood Garage Cabinets: Wood cabinets offer a classic look and are very durable. However, they can be more expensive due to the cost of the wood and the craftsmanship involved in making them.
  • Metal Garage Cabinets: Metal cabinets are sturdy and often more affordable than wood. They are resistant to moisture and pests, making them a popular choice for garages.
  • Plastic Garage Cabinets: Plastic cabinets are typically the most budget-friendly option. They are lightweight, easy to install, and resistant to moisture, but they may not be as durable as wood or metal options.

Type of Cabinet

The type of cabinet you choose will also affect the cost:

  • Freestanding Cabinets: These cabinets are easy to move and install, making them a flexible option. They can range from inexpensive plastic units to high-end wood or metal versions.
  • Wall-Mounted Cabinets: Wall-mounted cabinets save floor space and provide a more permanent storage solution. They can be more expensive to install due to the need for secure mounting.
  • Base Garage Cabinets: Base cabinets offer more storage but take up floor space. It is easier to install so installation is low but price may vary based on the material used for the cabinet.


Customization can significantly influence the cost of garage cabinets. Custom garage cabinets are designed to fit your specific needs and space, but this level of personalization comes at a higher price.

  • Custom Garage Cabinets: These are built to your specifications and can include features like built-in workbenches, specialized storage for tools, and unique finishes. Custom cabinets are usually more expensive than pre-made options.
  • Pre-made Cabinets: Pre-made cabinets are mass-produced and come in standard sizes and finishes. They are generally more affordable but may not fit your space as perfectly as custom cabinets.

Size of Your Garage

The size of your garage will also impact the cost of your cabinets. Larger garages will require more cabinets to cover the same amount of storage space, which can increase the overall cost.

Labor Costs

Labor costs can vary depending on whether you choose professional installation or opt for a DIY approach:

  • Professional Installation: Hiring a professional to install your garage cabinets ensures they are securely mounted and properly aligned. However, this will add to the overall cost.
  • DIY Garage Cabinets: Installing cabinets yourself can save money on labor costs, but it requires time, tools, and some level of skill. Mistakes made during installation can also lead to additional costs down the line.

By understanding these factors, you can better estimate how much garage cabinets will cost for your specific situation. In the next section, we’ll break down the average cost of garage cabinets based on different price ranges and materials.

Average Cost of Garage Cabinets

The cost of garage cabinets can vary widely depending on several factors, including material, type, and customization. Here, we’ll break down the average costs associated with different types of garage cabinets to give you a clearer picture of what to expect.

Cost Breakdown

Low-End Cabinets

  • Plastic Cabinets: These are typically the most affordable option, with prices ranging from $50 to $200 per unit. They are lightweight and easy to install but may not be as durable as other materials.
  • Basic Metal Cabinets: Basic metal cabinets can cost between $100 and $300 per unit. They offer a good balance of durability and affordability.

Mid-Range Cabinets

  • Mid-Range Wood Cabinets: These cabinets can cost between $300 and $700 per unit. They offer a more aesthetic appeal and are generally more durable than plastic or basic metal options.
  • High-Quality Metal Cabinets: High-quality metal cabinets can range from $400 to $800 per unit. They are highly durable and often come with additional features like lockable doors and adjustable shelves.

High-End Cabinets

  • Custom Wood Cabinets: Custom wood cabinets can range from $800 to $2,000 or more per unit. These cabinets are built to your specifications and can include various custom features.
  • Custom Metal Cabinets: Custom metal cabinets can also be quite expensive, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 or more per unit. These cabinets offer the highest level of durability and customization options.

Cost of Common Materials

The material you choose for your garage cabinets will significantly impact the overall cost. Here’s a breakdown of the average costs for different materials:

  • Wood: $300 – $2,000 per unit
  • Metal: $100 – $3,000 per unit
  • Plastic: $50 – $200 per unit

Cost to Install Garage Cabinets

Installation TypeAverage CostProsCons
Professional Installation$200 – $600– Ensures proper installation
– Saves time
– Reduces risk of mistakes
– Higher cost
– Less flexibility in scheduling
DIY Installation$50 – $100 (tools and materials)– Cost savings on labor
– Flexibility to work on your schedule
– Opportunity to learn new skills
– Requires time and effort
– Potential for mistakes
– Requires basic DIY skills and tools

The cost to install garage cabinets can vary depending on whether you opt for professional installation or a DIY approach.

Professional Installation

  • Labor Cost: Professional installation can add anywhere from $200 to $600 to the overall cost, depending on the complexity of the installation and the number of cabinets.
  • Factors Affecting Labor Cost: The size of your garage, the type of cabinets, and the difficulty of the installation can all influence labor costs.

DIY Installation

  • Cost of Tools and Materials: If you choose to install the cabinets yourself, you’ll need to factor in the cost of tools and materials. Basic tools like a drill, level, and screws can add up to $50 – $100.
  • Time Investment: Installing cabinets yourself will require a significant time investment. Make sure you have the time and skills necessary to complete the job correctly.
  • Potential Savings: While DIY installation can save you money on labor costs, mistakes made during installation can lead to additional expenses.

By understanding the average costs associated with different types of garage cabinets, you can better plan your budget and make an informed decision. In the next section, we’ll delve into the cost of custom garage cabinets and what you can expect to pay for a more personalized storage solution.

Cost of Custom Garage Cabinets

Custom garage cabinets offer a tailored storage solution that fits your specific needs and space. However, this level of personalization comes with a higher price tag. Here, we’ll explore the factors that affect the cost of custom garage cabinets and provide an overview of what you can expect to pay.

Custom vs. Pre-made

Custom Garage Cabinets

  • Benefits: Custom cabinets are designed to fit your garage perfectly. They can include specialized storage for tools, built-in workbenches, and unique finishes. This level of customization ensures that you make the most of your available space.
  • Drawbacks: The primary drawback of custom cabinets is the higher cost. They require more materials, labor, and time to design and install.

Pre-made Cabinets

  • Benefits: Pre-made cabinets are mass-produced and come in standard sizes and finishes. They are generally more affordable and quicker to install.
  • Drawbacks: Pre-made cabinets may not fit your space as perfectly as custom options, and you may have fewer choices in terms of design and features.

Factors Affecting Custom Cabinet Costs

Several factors can influence the cost of custom garage cabinets:

Material Choice

  • Wood: Custom wood cabinets can range from $800 to $2,000 or more per unit, depending on the type of wood and finish.
  • Metal: Custom metal cabinets can be even more expensive, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 or more per unit.

Design Complexity

  • Simple Designs: A straightforward design with fewer features will generally be less expensive. Expect to pay between $800 and $1,500 per unit.
  • Complex Designs: Cabinets with intricate designs, specialized storage compartments, and high-end finishes can cost $2,000 to $3,000 or more per unit.

Installation Costs

  • Professional Installation: Hiring a professional to install custom cabinets can add $200 to $600 or more to the overall cost. Complex installations may require additional labor and time, increasing the price.
  • DIY Installation: If you have the skills and tools, you can save on labor costs by installing the cabinets yourself. However, custom cabinets often require precise installation to ensure they fit correctly.

Average Cost of Custom Garage Cabinets

Here’s a breakdown of the average costs for custom garage cabinets:

  • Low-End Custom Cabinets: $800 – $1,500 per unit
  • Mid-Range Custom Cabinets: $1,500 – $2,500 per unit
  • High-End Custom Cabinets: $2,500 – $3,000 or more per unit

By understanding the factors that influence the cost of custom garage cabinets, you can better plan your budget and decide whether this option is right for you. In the next section, we’ll discuss the installation costs associated with garage cabinets and how you can potentially save money.

Garage Cabinet Installation Costs

The installation cost of garage cabinets can vary significantly based on whether you opt for professional installation or decide to take the DIY route. Understanding these costs can help you make an informed decision that suits your budget and skill level.

Professional Installation

Hiring a professional to install your garage cabinets ensures that they are securely mounted and properly aligned. Here are the key points to consider:

Average Labor Cost

  • Basic Installation: For a straightforward installation of pre-made cabinets, labor costs can range from $200 to $400.
  • Complex Installation: For custom cabinets or installations requiring more time and effort, labor costs can range from $400 to $600 or more.

Factors Affecting Labor Cost

  • Size of Your Garage: Larger garages will require more cabinets, which can increase the time and labor needed for installation.
  • Type of Cabinets: Wall-mounted and custom cabinets may require more precise installation techniques, increasing labor costs.
  • Additional Features: Built-in workbenches, specialized storage compartments, and other features can add to the complexity and cost of installation.

DIY Installation

Opting to install the cabinets yourself can save you money on labor costs, but it requires time, tools, and some level of skill. Here’s what you need to know:

Cost of Tools and Materials

  • Basic Tools: Essential tools like a drill, level, and screws can add up to $50 – $100.
  • Specialized Tools: Depending on the complexity of the installation, you may need additional tools, which can increase the cost.

Time Investment

  • Simple Installations: Installing basic pre-made cabinets can take a few hours.
  • Complex Installations: Custom cabinets or intricate designs can take several days to install correctly.

Potential Savings

  • Labor Costs: By doing the installation yourself, you can save $200 to $600 or more on labor costs.
  • Avoiding Mistakes: However, mistakes made during installation can lead to additional expenses, such as repairing walls or replacing damaged cabinets.

Professional vs. DIY Installation: A Cost Comparison

Installation TypeAverage CostProsCons
Professional Installation$200 – $600+Ensures proper installation, saves timeHigher cost, less flexibility
DIY Installation$50 – $100+ (tools)Cost savings, flexibilityRequires time and skill, potential for mistakes

By weighing the pros and cons of professional vs. DIY installation, you can decide which option is best for you. In the next section, we’ll explore various ways to reduce the cost of garage cabinets without compromising on quality.

How to Reduce the Cost of Garage Cabinets

Garage cabinets can be a significant investment, but there are several ways to reduce the overall cost without sacrificing quality or functionality. Here are some practical tips to help you save money on your garage storage solution.

Choosing the Right Material

Selecting a cost-effective material can make a big difference in the overall price of your garage cabinets. Here are some options to consider:

  • Plastic Cabinets: These are usually the most budget-friendly option, with prices ranging from $50 to $200 per unit. While they may not be as durable as wood or metal, they are lightweight and resistant to moisture.
  • Basic Metal Cabinets: Metal cabinets offer a good balance of durability and affordability, with prices typically ranging from $100 to $300 per unit. They are sturdy and often come with additional features like lockable doors.
  • Composite Wood Cabinets: If you prefer the look of wood but want to save money, consider composite wood cabinets. These can be more affordable than solid wood while still offering a similar aesthetic.

Opting for DIY Installation

Installing the cabinets yourself can save you a significant amount of money on labor costs. Here are some tips for a successful DIY installation:

  • Plan Ahead: Measure your garage space carefully and plan the layout of your cabinets. This will help you avoid mistakes and ensure a smooth installation process.
  • Invest in Basic Tools: Essential tools like a drill, level, and screws are relatively inexpensive and can be used for future projects as well.
  • Follow Instructions: Most pre-made cabinets come with detailed installation instructions. Follow these carefully to ensure a secure and stable installation.

Buying Pre-made Cabinets

Pre-made cabinets are generally more affordable than custom options and can still provide ample storage space. Here are some budget-friendly options:

  • Off-the-Shelf Cabinets: These are mass-produced and available at most home improvement stores. Prices can range from $50 to $500 per unit, depending on the material and features.
  • Discount and Clearance Items: Look for sales, discounts, and clearance items at your local hardware store. You can often find high-quality cabinets at a fraction of the regular price.

Repurposing Old Cabinets

Repurposing old cabinets can be a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to organize your garage. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Old Kitchen Cabinets: If you’re renovating your kitchen, consider using the old cabinets in your garage. They can provide ample storage space and are often sturdy enough for garage use.
  • Refurbishing: Give old cabinets a new lease on life by repainting or refinishing them. This can make them look almost brand new at a fraction of the cost.

Additional Tips for Reducing Costs

  • Bulk Purchases: If you need multiple cabinets, buying in bulk can often result in discounts.
  • Simple Designs: Opt for simpler designs without too many specialized features. This can significantly reduce the cost.
  • Shop Around: Compare prices from different retailers and online stores to find the best deals.

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce the cost of garage cabinets while still achieving a functional and organized garage space. In the next section, we’ll discuss the benefits of investing in garage cabinets and how they can improve your garage’s functionality and aesthetics.

Benefits of Investing in Garage Cabinets

Investing in garage cabinets offers numerous benefits beyond just organizing your tools and equipment. Here, we’ll delve into the various advantages that make garage cabinets a worthwhile investment.

Improved Garage Organization

One of the primary benefits of garage cabinets is the enhanced organization they provide. Here’s how they can help:

  • Maximizing Storage Space: Garage cabinets allow you to utilize vertical space, freeing up floor space for other uses. This maximization is particularly beneficial for smaller garages.
  • Easy Access to Tools and Supplies: With designated spaces for different tools and supplies, you can quickly find what you need without rummaging through piles of clutter.
  • Specialized Storage: Custom cabinets can include specialized compartments for items like power tools, gardening supplies, and automotive parts, making organization even more efficient.

Enhanced Garage Aesthetics

Garage cabinets can significantly improve the overall look and feel of your garage. Here’s how:

  • Clean and Tidy Appearance: Cabinets hide clutter, giving your garage a clean and organized look. This is especially appealing if you use your garage for more than just storage, such as a workshop or hobby space.
  • Coordinated Design: Custom cabinets can be designed to match the aesthetics of your home, creating a cohesive look. Even pre-made cabinets come in various styles and finishes to suit your taste.
  • Increased Home Value: A well-organized and aesthetically pleasing garage can increase your home’s resale value. Potential buyers often view a tidy garage as a sign of a well-maintained home.

Increased Home Value

Investing in high-quality garage cabinets can add value to your home in several ways:

  • Long-Term Investment Benefits: Quality garage cabinets are durable and can last for many years, providing long-term value. This durability is especially true for custom wood and metal cabinets.
  • Appeal to Buyers: A well-organized garage can be a selling point for potential buyers. It shows that the home is well-cared for and offers ample storage space.
  • Functional Space: Transforming your garage into a functional space with cabinets can make it more versatile. Whether you use it as a workshop, hobby area, or additional storage, the added functionality can be a significant selling point.

Enhanced Safety

Garage cabinets can also contribute to a safer environment:

  • Secure Storage: Cabinets with lockable doors can safely store hazardous materials like chemicals, sharp tools, and heavy equipment, keeping them out of reach of children and pets.
  • Reduced Clutter: By keeping items off the floor and in designated storage spaces, you reduce the risk of tripping hazards and accidents.

Improved Workflow and Productivity

A well-organized garage can improve your workflow and productivity, especially if you use the space for projects or hobbies:

  • Efficient Work Environment: With tools and supplies neatly stored and easily accessible, you can work more efficiently without wasting time searching for items.
  • Dedicated Workspaces: Custom cabinets can include built-in workbenches and specialized storage solutions, creating a dedicated workspace that suits your needs.

By investing in garage cabinets, you not only improve the functionality and aesthetics of your garage but also add value to your home and enhance your overall quality of life. In the next section, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about garage cabinets to provide even more insights.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Garage Cabinets

Investing in garage cabinets can raise several questions. Here, we address some of the most frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision.

What Are the Best Materials for Garage Cabinets?

The best material for your garage cabinets depends on your specific needs and budget. Here are some common options:

  • Wood: Offers a classic look and high durability. Ideal for those looking for a premium finish but can be expensive.
  • Metal: Highly durable and resistant to moisture and pests. Great for heavy-duty storage but can be more costly than plastic options.
  • Plastic: Budget-friendly and resistant to moisture. Lightweight and easy to install but may not be as durable as wood or metal.

How Long Do Garage Cabinets Typically Last?

The lifespan of garage cabinets depends on the material and quality of construction:

  • Wood Cabinets: Can last 20 years or more if properly maintained.
  • Metal Cabinets: Typically last 15-25 years, depending on usage and conditions.
  • Plastic Cabinets: Generally last 5-10 years, depending on the quality and environmental factors.

Can I Install Garage Cabinets Myself?

Yes, you can install garage cabinets yourself, especially if you have basic DIY skills and tools. Here are some tips:

  • Follow Instructions: Most pre-made cabinets come with detailed installation guides. Follow these carefully to ensure a secure fit.
  • Use Proper Tools: Basic tools like a drill, level, and screws are essential. Specialized tools may be required for custom installations.
  • Plan Layout: Measure your space and plan the layout before starting to avoid mistakes.

What Is the Average Cost to Install Garage Cabinets?

The cost to install garage cabinets can vary widely:

  • Professional Installation: Typically ranges from $200 to $600, depending on the complexity and number of cabinets.
  • DIY Installation: Costs mainly involve tools and materials, usually between $50 and $100.

Are Custom Garage Cabinets Worth the Investment?

Custom garage cabinets can be worth the investment for several reasons:

  • Tailored Fit: Designed to fit your specific space and needs perfectly.
  • High-Quality Materials: Often made from premium materials, offering greater durability.
  • Increased Home Value: Adds long-term value to your home.

How Do I Maintain My Garage Cabinets?

Proper maintenance can extend the life of your garage cabinets:

  • Regular Cleaning: Wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth to remove dust and grime.
  • Avoid Overloading: Do not exceed the weight limits specified by the manufacturer.
  • Check for Damage: Regularly inspect for signs of wear or damage and repair as needed.

Can I Use Old Kitchen Cabinets in My Garage?

Yes, repurposing old kitchen cabinets can be a cost-effective way to organize your garage:

  • Sturdy Construction: Kitchen cabinets are generally well-built and can handle garage storage needs.
  • Customizable: You can repaint or refinish them to match your garage’s aesthetics.
  • Eco-Friendly: Repurposing reduces waste and is environmentally friendly.

What Are Some Cost-Effective Alternatives to Custom Cabinets?

If custom cabinets are out of your budget, consider these alternatives:

  • Pre-made Cabinets: Available in a variety of materials and styles, offering a more affordable option.
  • DIY Solutions: Building your own cabinets from scratch can save money and allow for customization.
  • Repurposed Cabinets: Using old kitchen or office cabinets can provide a budget-friendly storage solution.

By addressing these common questions, we hope to provide you with a clearer understanding of what to expect when investing in garage cabinets. In the final section, we’ll wrap up with a summary and some final thoughts.


Investing in garage cabinets can significantly enhance the organization, functionality, and aesthetics of your garage. Understanding how much garage cabinets cost and the factors that influence these costs can help you make an informed decision that suits your needs and budget.

Recap of Key Points

  • Factors Influencing Costs: Material, type of cabinet, customization, size of your garage, and labor costs are the primary factors that affect the overall cost of garage cabinets.
  • Average Costs: Depending on the material and customization, garage cabinets can range from $50 for basic plastic units to $3,000 or more for high-end custom metal cabinets.
  • Installation Costs: Professional installation can add $200 to $600 or more to the total cost, while DIY installation can save on labor costs but requires time and skill.
  • Cost-Reduction Strategies: Choosing cost-effective materials, opting for DIY installation, buying pre-made cabinets, and repurposing old cabinets are practical ways to reduce costs.
  • Benefits: Garage cabinets offer improved organization, enhanced aesthetics, increased home value, enhanced safety, and improved workflow and productivity.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the cost of garage cabinets will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you opt for budget-friendly plastic cabinets or high-end custom solutions, the investment in garage cabinets can provide long-term benefits that make your garage a more functional and enjoyable space.

Call to Action

If you found this guide helpful, please share your own experiences or questions in the comments below. For more tips and insights on garage organization and storage solutions, explore our related content. Investing in the right garage cabinets can transform your space and add value to your home, so take the time to consider your options and make a choice that best fits your needs.

Thank you for following along with this comprehensive guide on how much garage cabinets cost. If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to reach out. Happy organizing!

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