How to Get Rid of Spiders in the Garage: The Ultimate Guide

Are you tired of dodging webs and spiders every time you step into your garage? Spiders may be great for controlling pests, but not when they’re taking over your space. This guide will help you understand why spiders flock to garages and show you how to effectively remove and keep them out.

From identifying different spider species to applying both DIY and professional solutions, we’ll cover everything you need to create a spider-free zone. Learn how to apply preventative measures that work, keeping your garage clean and clear year-round. Let’s tackle this creepy crawly challenge together!

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand Spider Attractions: Learn why spiders choose garages for their habitats—common reasons include darkness, moisture, and availability of food (other insects).
  • Identify Spider Types: Differentiate between harmless and venomous spiders commonly found in garages, such as daddy long legs, house spiders, black widows, and brown recluses.
  • Effective Removal Strategies: Use step-by-step methods for safe spider removal, including cleaning techniques and using appropriate tools like vacuums and spider catchers.
  • Preventative Measures: Implement ongoing strategies to keep spiders out, such as sealing cracks, maintaining cleanliness, organizing storage, and using deterrents like essential oils and diatomaceous earth.
  • Natural vs. Chemical Repellents: Decide between natural remedies like peppermint oil and vinegar or chemical solutions based on the severity of the infestation.
  • Professional Help: Recognize when it’s time to call in pest control, especially for significant infestations or when dealing with venomous species.
  • Maintenance Tips: Maintain a routine that includes regular inspections and housekeeping to ensure your garage remains a spider-free environment.


Why Spiders are Attracted to Garages

Garages often become unintended havens for spiders, and understanding why this happens can be the key to keeping them out. The reasons spiders are drawn to these spaces are tied closely to their natural instincts and survival needs.

Shelter and Safety: First and foremost, spiders seek out garages for shelter. These areas provide a safe haven from the elements and predators. Garages are typically less disturbed than other areas of a home, offering spiders the peace they require to build webs, hunt, and breed. The corners, ceilings, and less-frequented spots in garages are perfect for creating webs and laying eggs.

Temperature and Humidity: Many species of spiders prefer environments that are either humid or have moderate temperatures, which are conditions garages often provide. During the hotter months, garages can offer a cool retreat, whereas they can be a warm respite during the colder periods. This makes your garage an ideal year-round habitat for spiders.

Abundance of Food: Garages inadvertently host a plethora of insects that serve as food for spiders. The presence of flies, mosquitoes, moths, and other small insects attracted to any light sources or open garbage containers ensures that spiders have a continuous food supply. This abundance can turn your garage into a prime feeding ground, encouraging spiders to take up long-term residence.

Dark and Cluttered Spaces: Spiders are also attracted to dark and cluttered spaces, which are abundant in many garages. Boxes, old furniture, and unused items provide excellent hiding spots for spiders. These areas not only offer protection but also serve as great spots for spiders to catch their prey, which are also attracted to such cluttered spaces.

Access Points: Garages often have numerous cracks, crevices, and gaps around doors and windows or in the structure itself. These openings are perfect entry points for spiders searching for a new habitat. Once inside, if the environment feels suitable, they are likely to stay.

Understanding these factors is crucial in addressing the issue of spiders in your garage. By recognizing what attracts them, you can take targeted actions to make the area less inviting. This includes maintaining cleanliness, reducing clutter, sealing entry points, and controlling the indoor climate. Each of these steps not only helps in deterring spiders but also enhances the overall usability and healthiness of your garage space.

By addressing the root causes that lead spiders to prefer garages, you can create a less welcoming environment for them and keep your garage spider-free. Remember, the goal is to disrupt their natural habitat preferences effectively and humanely, reducing the likelihood of them making your garage their home.

Comprehensive Guide to Spider Identification in Garages

Identifying the types of spiders in your garage is the first step towards effectively managing their presence. Understanding which species are harmless and which may pose a risk can help you decide the appropriate action to take. Here’s a detailed guide to help you recognize common spiders that you might find in your garage:

Common Non-Venomous Spiders

Daddy Long Legs (Cellar Spiders)

  • Appearance: Very long, thin legs with a small body.
  • Web Type: Irregular, messy webs in corners.
  • Behavior: Harmless to humans; often found in damp locations.

Jumping Spiders

  • Appearance: Compact, with short legs; known for their excellent vision.
  • Web Type: Do not create webs for catching prey; they roam freely.
  • Behavior: Curious about humans, can jump long distances, non-aggressive.

House Spiders (Tegenaria Species)

  • Appearance: Brown or gray with a patterned body, up to 3/8 inches long.
  • Web Type: Funnel-shaped webs; spiders wait at the small end for prey.
  • Behavior: Rarely bites and is generally harmless.

Wolf Spiders

  • Appearance: Large, dark-colored, with distinct stripes or markings.
  • Web Type: No webs; these spiders are hunters that roam the ground.
  • Behavior: Very fast and agile, but non-venomous and generally avoid humans.

Common Venomous Spiders

Black Widow

  • Appearance: Shiny black with a distinctive red hourglass shape on the underside.
  • Web Type: Irregular and sticky webs usually near ground level.
  • Behavior: Venomous; bites can be dangerous, but they are not aggressive and bite only in self-defense.

Brown Recluse

  • Appearance: Uniform brown color, with a violin-shaped mark on the back.
  • Web Type: Irregular webs often in undisturbed areas.
  • Behavior: Venomous; bites can cause significant health issues, though they are shy and rarely bite unless provoked.

Tips for Identifying Spiders

  1. Look at the Web: The shape and type of web can often indicate what kind of spider you’re dealing with.
  2. Notice Body Shape and Size: Characteristics like body shape, leg length, and color patterns are key identifiers.
  3. Observe Behaviors: Whether the spider is active during the day or night and how it captures its prey are important clues.

What to Do If You Identify a Venomous Spider

  • Avoid Contact: Do not try to handle venomous spiders. Use caution in areas where they are commonly found.
  • Seek Professional Help: For the removal of venomous spiders or large infestations, it’s safer to consult pest control professionals.
  • Preventative Measures: Regularly check and clean garage corners and cluttered areas to discourage spiders from settling in.

Understanding the types of spiders in your garage can help you maintain a safe environment and take appropriate measures when necessary. Whether a spider is a harmless house guest or a venomous intruder, knowledge is your best tool in managing these arachnids effectively.

Step-by-Step Spider Removal Techniques

If you’ve identified spiders in your garage and are ready to remove them, it’s important to approach the task systematically and safely. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively removing spiders from your garage, ensuring you tackle both the spiders and the underlying causes of their presence.

Step 1: Prepare Your Tools

Before you begin, gather all the necessary tools and protective gear. You will need:

  • Gloves to protect your hands.
  • A vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment for reaching into corners.
  • Sealable plastic bags for safely disposing of spiders and nests.
  • A spider catcher or a jar for safely capturing and releasing spiders outside.

Step 2: Clear Out Clutter

Spiders thrive in undisturbed areas, so start by removing clutter where spiders may hide. Sort through boxes, old clothes, and unused items. Consider using plastic storage bins with tight-fitting lids to reduce hiding spots and prevent spiders from returning.

Step 3: Vacuum Thoroughly

Using your vacuum cleaner, thoroughly vacuum all corners, cracks, and crevices in your garage. Pay special attention to areas where walls meet the ceiling, as these are common web locations. Vacuuming not only removes spiders but also gets rid of webs and egg sacs, preventing future infestations.

Step 4: Apply Spider Repellents

After cleaning, apply spider repellents to discourage spiders from coming back. You can use natural repellents like peppermint oil or commercially available spider sprays. Apply these around door frames, windows, and any cracks or crevices where spiders might enter. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions if using chemical repellents to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Step 5: Seal Entry Points

Inspect your garage for any gaps or openings that might serve as entry points for spiders. Use caulk to seal cracks around windows, doors, and the foundation. Make sure garage doors have proper weather stripping to close gaps thoroughly.

Step 6: Regular Maintenance

Regularly check your garage for signs of spider activity. Keeping the area clean and free of clutter is key to preventing spiders from settling. Establish a routine cleaning schedule, and periodically reapply repellents and check for new gaps or cracks that may have formed.

Step 7: Safely Remove Spiders

If you encounter spiders during your clean-up, use a spider catcher or a jar to safely capture and release them outside. Avoid killing spiders when possible, as they are beneficial for controlling other pests. If you must dispose of spiders, do so humanely and safely.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove spiders from your garage and create an environment that is less inviting to them. Regular upkeep and preventive measures are your best defense against future infestations, helping keep your garage spider-free and safe.

Comprehensive Guide to Spider Prevention and Maintenance in Your Garage

Maintaining a spider-free garage involves both proactive preventive steps and regular maintenance. 

By combining these preventive and maintenance strategies, you create a robust defense against spiders. Keeping your garage clean, minimizing entry points, and using natural repellents are all sustainable practices that will help maintain a spider-free environment, enhancing both the usability and safety of your garage.

Here’s how to effectively keep spiders out of your garage and ensure it stays that way.

Regular Cleaning and Organization

Keeping your garage clean and organized is critical in preventing spider infestations. Regularly sweep and vacuum, especially in corners and hidden spots where spiders like to hide. Organize items on shelves or in sealed containers rather than leaving them on the floor. This reduces clutter, which is a major attractant for spiders looking for a place to hide.

  • Regular Cleaning: Sweep and vacuum your garage regularly, paying close attention to corners and behind items where spiders may hide.
  • Declutter: Reduce clutter by organizing items on shelves or in sealed containers rather than on the floor. This minimizes the spaces available for spiders to hide.

Seal Cracks and Gaps

Spiders can enter through small gaps and cracks. Inspect your garage for any potential entry points around windows, doors, and the foundation. Use caulk and weather stripping to seal these areas effectively. This not only keeps spiders out but also improves the energy efficiency of your space.

Manage Moisture and Lighting

Moist environments attract spiders. Ensure that your garage is well-ventilated and use a dehumidifier if necessary to keep the area dry. 

Additionally, outdoor lights can attract insects, which in turn attract spiders. Use yellow or sodium vapor bulbs, which are less appealing to insects, and consider positioning lights away from direct garage entry points to reduce attracting pests.

Natural and Routine Repellents

Incorporate natural repellents such as peppermint oil, vinegar, or diatomaceous earth around your garage. These can deter spiders without the use of harsh chemicals. Apply these repellents regularly around doors, windows, and other entry points to maintain their effectiveness.

Regular Inspections and Adjustments

Continuously monitor your garage for any signs of spider activity. Look for new webs or any increase in insects that might attract spiders. If you notice more spiders, it may be time to reassess and enhance your cleaning routines, sealing methods, or repellent applications.

Education and Vigilance

Understanding why and how spiders enter your garage can help you better prepare to keep them out. Stay informed about the types of spiders common in your area and learn about their behaviors and preferences. The more you know, the better you can tailor your preventive and maintenance efforts to be more effective.

Choosing Between Natural and Chemical Spider Repellents

When deciding on how to repel spiders from your garage, you can choose between natural or chemical options based on your needs:

Natural Repellents

  • Types: Essential oils (peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus), vinegar, and diatomaceous earth.
  • When to Use: Ideal for routine prevention and minor infestations. They are safe for households with children and pets, environmentally friendly, and easy to apply.

Chemical Repellents

  • Types: Commercial sprays and professional-grade insecticides.
  • When to Use: Best for severe infestations or when you need long-lasting effects. These are more potent but should be used carefully, following all safety instructions.

Quick Decision Guide:

  • Opt for natural repellents if safety and environmental impact are your primary concerns.
  • Choose chemical repellents for more immediate and durable control in cases of larger or more persistent spider populations.

Using the right type of repellent, along with maintaining a clean and clutter-free garage, will effectively keep spiders at bay.

DIY Spider Control Solutions

Essential Oil SpraysMix water with peppermint, tea tree, or citrus oil and spray around garage entry points to repel spiders.
Vinegar SolutionCombine equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle; use it to deter spiders with its strong odor.
Sticky TrapsSet up sticky traps along walls and corners to catch spiders and monitor infestation levels.
Chestnut BarrierPlace chestnuts along windowsills and doors as a natural deterrent, though scientific evidence is limited.
Keep It LightMaintain good lighting in your garage to create an environment that’s less appealing to spiders.

Controlling spiders in your garage doesn’t always require professional help or expensive products. With some simple DIY solutions, you can effectively keep spiders at bay. Here are practical, easy-to-implement methods:

1. Essential Oil Sprays

Create a homemade spider repellent using essential oils. Mix water with a few drops of peppermint, tea tree, or citrus oil. Spray this mixture around doorways, windows, and corners of your garage. Spiders dislike these scents and will steer clear of treated areas.

2. Vinegar Solution

Vinegar is another effective spider repellent. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray it in areas where spiders frequent. The strong odor of vinegar repels spiders, but be cautious as it can also affect the surfaces it’s sprayed on.

3. Sticky Traps

Place sticky traps along the walls of your garage, especially in lower corners and behind objects where spiders may travel. These traps will catch spiders and help you monitor the effectiveness of your other control efforts.

4. Chestnut Barrier

Believe it or not, chestnuts are said to be a natural spider repellent. Place chestnuts along windowsills and garage door entrances. Their presence is believed to deter spiders, although the scientific backing is limited.

5. Keep It Light

Spiders prefer dark, undisturbed areas. Keep your garage well-lit and minimize shadowy areas to discourage spiders from settling in.

These DIY solutions are not only cost-effective but also minimize the use of chemicals, making them safer for both the environment and your family. Regular use and maintenance of these methods can help keep your garage spider-free.

These simple and environmentally friendly DIY solutions can be easily implemented in your garage to help control and prevent spider infestations.

Expert Advice: When to Call Pest Control

While many spider issues in your garage can be handled with DIY methods, there are situations where calling in professional pest control is necessary. Understanding when to seek expert help can ensure your safety and effectively resolve the problem.

Significant Infestation

If you notice a large number of spiders or webs, even after taking preventive measures, it might be time to call pest control. Professionals can offer more powerful solutions and identify the specific type of spider, which is crucial for determining the best treatment plan.

Presence of Dangerous Spiders

If you identify or suspect the presence of venomous spiders such as black widows or brown recluses in your garage, it’s important to contact pest control immediately. These spiders can pose serious health risks, and safe removal requires expert handling.

Recurring Spider Problems

If you’ve addressed all possible entry points and consistently applied repellents yet still see spiders returning, professional pest controllers can offer additional solutions. They can provide treatments that are more persistent and cover areas you might have overlooked.

Calling pest control is not just about removing current pests; it’s also about preventing future infestations. Professionals can provide long-term strategies and treatments, ensuring that your garage remains a safe and spider-free environment.


In conclusion, tackling the issue of spiders in your garage doesn’t have to be daunting. By understanding the reasons spiders are attracted to your garage and being able to identify the common types found there, you can effectively address and manage their presence. We’ve discussed practical steps for removing spiders, from natural and chemical repellents to professional pest control options, providing you with a variety of strategies to suit your needs.

Remember, the key to maintaining a spider-free garage lies in regular cleaning, reducing clutter, sealing entry points, and applying repellents as needed. Implementing these preventative measures will help ensure that your garage remains a safe and comfortable space for you and your family, free from unwanted arachnid guests. Stay vigilant and consistent with these practices, and you’ll enjoy a cleaner, spider-free environment in your garage.

Frequently Asked Questions About Garage Spiders

When dealing with spiders in the garage, many homeowners have common questions. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers to help you better understand how to manage and prevent spider infestations in your garage.

What attracts spiders to my garage?

Spiders are primarily attracted to garages because they offer shelter, food, and an undisturbed environment. Dark, cluttered spaces provide ideal spots for spiders to hide and build webs. Additionally, garages often have insects, which are a food source for spiders.

Are the spiders in my garage dangerous?

Most spiders found in garages are harmless and actually help control other pests. However, some regions may have venomous spiders like the black widow or brown recluse. If you suspect these spiders are in your garage, it’s best to contact a professional for safe removal.

How can I prevent spiders from entering my garage?

To prevent spiders from entering your garage, keep the area clean and free of clutter. Seal cracks and gaps in doors, windows, and walls. Use natural or chemical repellents around entry points. Regularly inspect and maintain these areas to ensure they remain effective.

Can I use pesticides to kill garage spiders?

While pesticides can be effective, they should be used as a last resort due to their potential harm to people, pets, and the environment. Consider using natural repellents or contacting a professional pest control service if the infestation is severe.

How often should I clean my garage to keep it spider-free?

Regular cleaning is essential for keeping spiders away. Sweep and vacuum at least once a month, paying close attention to corners, behind furniture, and other less-disturbed areas. More frequent cleaning may be necessary if you often find spiders or webs.

What natural methods can I use to deter spiders?

Natural methods to deter spiders include using essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, or citrus. You can create a spray by mixing these oils with water and applying them around your garage. Another option is diatomaceous earth, which can be spread in areas where spiders might enter.

Is it safe to remove spiders myself?

If the spiders are not venomous, it is generally safe to remove them yourself. You can use a jar or a homemade trap to catch and release them outside. If you’re dealing with venomous spiders or a large infestation, however, it’s safer to call pest control.

Understanding these key aspects can help you effectively manage spider populations in your garage, making it a safer and more comfortable space for your family and pets.