How to Store a Mattress in the Garage: Best Tips!

Storing a mattress in your garage can be a savvy move, especially when space is tight or you’re between moves. But, let’s face it, not all garages are fit for a queen-sized bed companion without some serious prep work. 

This guide will walk you through the must-knows and must-dos of turning your garage into a safe haven for your mattress, ensuring it stays clean, dry, and ready for future slumbers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand Your Garage’s Environment: Know if your garage’s conditions are suitable—think dryness, cleanliness, and space.
  • Protect Your Mattress Properly: Learn the best ways to wrap and shield your mattress from garage-specific hazards like moisture and pests.
  • Positioning Matters: Discover why keeping your mattress flat and elevated is crucial for maintaining its integrity.
  • Routine Checks are Crucial: Find out how regular inspections can prevent long-term damage.
  • Ready for Reuse: Get tips on preparing your mattress for life out of storage, ensuring a good night’s sleep after its hiatus.

Diving into these aspects will not only extend your mattress’s life but also save you the headache (and backache) of dealing with a saggy, spoiled mattress. Ready to learn more? Let’s jump right in!

Evaluating the Suitability of Your Garage for Mattress Storage

Before deciding to store your mattress in the garage, it’s crucial to assess whether your garage is a suitable place for this purpose. Not all garages offer the ideal conditions for storing mattresses, which need a clean, dry, and stable environment to avoid damage.

Space and Cleanliness: First, consider the amount of available space. Your mattress should lie flat on a clean surface, not leaning against walls or items that might cause it to bend or warp. Clean the area thoroughly to eliminate dust and potential pests. A dirty garage can invite mold and mites, which are detrimental to both the mattress and your health.

Temperature and Humidity Control: Garages often experience more extreme temperatures and humidity levels compared to the inside of your home. These fluctuations can be harmful to your mattress. Materials like memory foam or springs can suffer from condensation and the resulting mildew or rust. If your garage tends to get very hot or cold, think about how you might mitigate these conditions. Using a dehumidifier can help maintain a stable environment and ward off mold growth.

Pest Control: Another critical factor is pest control. Garages can be prone to infestations of insects and rodents, which can ruin your mattress. Ensure that your garage is sealed off from potential entry points for pests. Regular checks are necessary to maintain a pest-free space.

Security: Lastly, consider the security of your garage. Unlike other storage areas inside your home, garages can be more accessible to theft or vandalism if not properly secured.

Assessing these factors beforehand will help you decide if your garage is the right place for storing your mattress or if you should consider other options, such as inside your home or a professional storage facility. Remember, the goal is to maintain your mattress in top condition, ready for its next use.

Essential Steps to Prepare Your Mattress for Storage

Preparing your mattress for storage in a garage requires more than just tossing it into the corner until it’s needed again. To keep it in optimal condition, follow these essential steps. They’re straightforward but crucial for preserving your mattress over time.

1. Clean Thoroughly: Start by vacuuming both sides of your mattress to remove dust, dirt, and potential allergens. If there are any stains, spot-clean them with a mild detergent and a damp cloth. Allow the mattress to air dry completely to prevent mold and mildew from forming. This will also keep your mattress material smelling fresh and clean if you intend to store it for an extended period.

2. Use Appropriate Covers: Wrapping your mattress is vital to shield it from dust, moisture, and pests. A specialized mattress storage bag is perfect for this job; it’s designed to fit snugly and provide robust protection. Seal the bag tightly, ensuring no part of the mattress remains exposed. For added safety, consider taping the seams of the bag.

3. Consider the Use of Desiccants: Humidity can be a major enemy during storage. Placing desiccants, like silica gel packets, inside the mattress bag helps absorb moisture, thus keeping the environment within dry. This is a clever trick, especially in more humid climates.

4. Treat for Pests: Before sealing the mattress away, spray the surface with a non-toxic pest repellent. This precaution will discourage pests such as bed bugs and mites from taking up residence in your stored mattress.

5. Final Inspection: Before you move the mattress to the garage, give it a final once-over. Check that it’s completely dry, fully covered, and treated for pests. Confirm that the environment of your garage is suited for storage, ideally clean, dry, and not prone to extreme temperature changes.

By following these steps, you’re not just storing your mattress; you’re preserving its life and ensuring it’s fresh and ready when you next need it. Remember, a little effort now can save a lot of hassle and expense later. So, take these steps seriously, and your mattress will thank you—metaphorically speaking, of course!

Introduction to Mattress Covers for Garage Storage

When choosing a cover to protect your mattress during storage in the garage, think of it like picking the right armor for a knight heading into battle. You want something that can shield your beloved mattress from the dust, debris, and dampness that garages often harbor.

Standard Mattress Bags

Firstly, consider a mattress bag. These are not your average plastic wraps but are specially designed to fend off moisture and pests. They typically come with a zipper, making them easy to slip on and secure. It’s a simple solution that works wonders, especially if you’re storing the mattress for a short period.

Vacuum-Sealed Bags for Long-Term Storage

For those looking at long-term storage, a step up would be vacuum-sealed bags. These nifty protectors not only keep out moisture and pests but also save a ton of space. By sucking out all the air, they reduce the mattress to a fraction of its original size, making it easier to store. However, remember that not all mattresses are suitable for vacuum sealing—memory foam and latex can take a hit in their structure and comfort if stored this way for too long.

Double Protection Strategy

Another good practice is to double up on protection. You might start with a thin, breathable cover that keeps the dust off, then add a thicker, more robust cover on top for added insulation against moisture and pests. This combination ensures that your mattress stays clean and dry, no matter what the garage environment throws at it.

Choosing the Right Fit

Remember, the cover you choose should fit snugly but not too tight. A cover that’s too tight can misshape the mattress over time, which is exactly the kind of drama you want to avoid. Always measure your mattress and check the specifications of the cover before buying to ensure a good fit.

How to Properly Place and Position Your Mattress in the Garage

When deciding to store your mattress in the garage, positioning it correctly is crucial to maintaining its condition. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your mattress stays in top shape during its time in storage.

1. Choose the Right Spot: First things first, locate an area within your garage that is away from direct sunlight and away from any windows or doors that might let in moisture. Ideally, you want a spot that’s dry and doesn’t experience extreme temperature changes.

2. Elevate the Mattress: Never place your mattress directly on the garage floor. Use pallets or a raised platform to elevate the mattress. This prevents moisture from the ground from seeping into the mattress and promotes air circulation around it.

3. Lay It Flat: Resist the temptation to lean your mattress against the wall. Keeping it flat is the best way to maintain its shape and integrity. Leaning it vertically can cause the inner materials to shift, leading to lumps and discomfort when you finally use it again.

4. Keep It Straight: If space allows, don’t fold or bend the mattress. These actions can damage the springs, foam, or other internal components. If your garage space is limited and you must fold it, consider this a very temporary solution and try to rectify it as soon as possible.

5. Cover It Properly: Use a high-quality, breathable mattress cover. This cover protects against dust, debris, and potential pests, like spiders or mice, which can be more common in garage settings. Ensure the cover is snug but not tight—this allows the material to breathe, preventing mold and mildew buildup.

6. Keep It Clean: Even in storage, it’s a good idea to periodically clean the area around your mattress. Remove dust and potential allergens that might settle on the cover, ensuring a fresh environment.

7. Check on It Regularly: Every few months, take a moment to check on your mattress. Look for signs of moisture, pest infestation, or any unpleasant odors. Catching these issues early can prevent major damage.

By following these tips, you can greatly increase the likelihood that your mattress will remain in excellent condition throughout its storage period in the garage. Remember, the way you store your mattress can significantly impact its lifespan and comfort. So, take these steps seriously and give your mattress the care it deserves—even in storage! You’ll find more tips on storing bulky items like mattresses in my article on how to store furniture in the garage properly. Do well to check it out.

Regular Maintenance and Care During Storage

Storing a mattress in your garage isn’t just about finding a corner and forgetting about it. To keep your mattress in tip-top shape, a little TLC is required even while it’s stashed away. Think of it as caring for a sleeping giant that needs to be in perfect condition when it wakes up.

1. Monthly Checks: The Foundation of Mattress Care

Set a reminder to check on your mattress every month. It’s like visiting an old friend to make sure they’re doing okay. Look for signs of moisture, pests, or any unpleasant odors. If your garage tends to get damp, consider using silica gel packs to absorb excess moisture. This step isn’t just about maintaining the mattress; it’s about preventing the need for costly replacements.

2. Ventilation: Let it Breathe

Just like us, mattresses need to breathe. Ensure your garage has good air circulation. This can be as simple as cracking open a window or using a fan on a low setting to keep the air moving. This prevents musty smells and wards off potential mold and mildew buildup, which can be a real nightmare.

3. Rotate and Flip: Keep It Even

Every three to six months, take a moment to rotate and flip your mattress. This might sound like a gym workout, but it’s crucial. Rotating it 180 degrees helps distribute any wear and tear evenly. If it’s double-sided, flipping it over can further extend its life. Think of it as helping your mattress avoid getting “bed sores.”

4. Cleaning: A Fresh Start

Every time you inspect your mattress, give it a quick clean. Use a handheld vacuum to suck up any dust and small debris. For stains, a mild detergent and a soft brush can do wonders. Remember, gentle cleaning maintains the integrity of the mattress materials while keeping it fresh.

5. The Air-Out Day:

Once or twice a year, pick a sunny day to take your mattress outside and let it air out. This is like a spa day for your mattress, allowing it to expel any accumulated moisture and odors. It’s a simple step that refreshes your mattress, ensuring it remains a cozy sanctuary when it’s time to use it again.

Pros and Cons of Garage Mattress Storage

Storing a mattress in your garage can seem like a smart move, especially when space is tight inside your home. However, this method comes with both advantages and potential pitfalls that are worth considering.


  1. Space Efficiency: The most obvious advantage is freeing up space inside your house. Garages often provide ample space that isn’t being utilized for living, making them a handy spot for bulky items like mattresses.
  2. Cost-Effective: Compared to renting a storage unit, using your garage is economically savvy. There’s no need to worry about monthly fees, making it a budget-friendly option for long-term storage.
  3. Accessibility: Having your mattress stored in the garage allows for easy access whenever you need it. This can be particularly handy if you’re storing it as a backup for guests or as a temporary solution during a home renovation.


  1. Climate Control: Unlike indoor environments or professional storage facilities, garages often lack proper climate control. Extreme temperatures and fluctuating humidity levels can wreak havoc on a mattress. Materials may degrade, and the comfort of the mattress can be severely compromised over time.
  2. Pests and Dirt: Garages are not typically sealed against pests and dirt like the interiors of our homes. Dust, insects, and rodents can find their way into an improperly protected mattress, leading to hygiene issues and potential health risks.
  3. Physical Damage: The way a mattress is stored can lead to damage. Storing it upright or with objects on top might seem like a space-saver, but it can deform the mattress, leading to lumps and uncomfortable sleeping surfaces when it’s time to use it again.
  4. Odors: Garages often house vehicles, tools, and chemicals, which can emit odors that the mattress can absorb. This can be difficult to remove and might render the mattress less pleasant to use later on.


Choosing to store a mattress in the garage is a decision that should be balanced with considerations about future use and current conditions. By understanding these pros and cons, you can make a more informed choice that keeps your mattress in the best possible condition for when you need it next. Remember, sometimes the convenience of nearby storage can be outweighed by the potential costs of damage and deterioration.

When to Consider Alternative Storage Solutions

Sometimes, your garage just isn’t the right fit for storing a mattress. If you’re wrestling with limited space or your garage battles with extreme temperatures and dampness, it’s time to look elsewhere. Here’s a straightforward rundown of signs that you should consider other storage options:

  • Space Crunch: If navigating your garage becomes a game of Tetris with your mattress as a reluctant player, it’s a clear sign you need a better spot. Overcrowding can lead to accidental damage to your mattress and other stored items.
  • Climate Issues: Does your garage transform into a sauna in summer or a freezer in winter? Extreme temperatures can wreak havoc on mattress materials, leading to deterioration that might force you to bid your mattress an early goodbye.
  • Moisture Menace: If there’s more moisture in your garage than in a steam room, wave the white flag. Humidity is the archenemy of mattress longevity, encouraging mold and mildew.
  • Pest Problems: Think of pests as unwanted guests at a party. If your garage is a hotspot for critters, your mattress might end up being a costly casualty.

If you’re nodding along to any of these issues, consider renting a climate-controlled storage unit. These units maintain a consistent environment that can defend your mattress against temperature swings and moisture, ensuring a longer life and better sleep when it’s time to roll it out again. 

The goal is to preserve your mattress in a state that’s as close to its original condition as possible, so sometimes, a small investment in a storage unit pays off in extended mattress longevity and comfort.

Preparing Your Mattress for Reuse After Storage

After months in your garage, it’s finally time to bring your mattress back into the home. But before you throw the linens on and dive in for a well-deserved nap, there are some crucial steps to ensure your mattress is as fresh and comfortable as the day you stored it. Let’s walk through how to prepare your mattress for reuse after its time in storage.

Step 1: Inspect Thoroughly

First, conduct a thorough inspection of the mattress. Look for signs of wear, any damage, or unwanted guests like pests. This is the time to check for any mold or mildew, especially if your garage isn’t climate-controlled. A flashlight might help you spot less obvious issues.

Step 2: Clean Vigorously

Next, give your mattress a good cleaning. Vacuuming is a great start; it removes dust and any debris that might have settled. For stains, a mild detergent mixed with water can do the trick. Apply it gently with a soft cloth, scrubbing lightly to avoid soaking the mattress. If odors are present, sprinkling baking soda on the surface, letting it sit for a few hours, and then vacuuming it up can freshen things up significantly.

Step 3: Air Out

Once clean, air your mattress out. If the weather permits, placing it outside in the sun for a few hours can work wonders—not only does this help eliminate odors, but the sun’s UV rays are great at killing bacteria and dust mites. If outside isn’t an option, find a well-ventilated area indoors where the mattress can breathe without causing a disturbance.

Step 4: Check the Support

Before placing your mattress back on its frame, check the bed’s support system. Make sure slats or the box spring haven’t bowed or broken. A supportive base is critical not only for your comfort but also for the longevity of the mattress.

Step 5: Protect and Cover

Finally, consider using a mattress protector before dressing it up with your favorite linens. This extra layer helps safeguard against future spills, stains, and potential allergens, extending the life of your mattress.

Following these steps will help you revive your mattress from storage and guarantee a good night’s sleep on a clean, fresh, and supportive bed. Remember, a little effort in preparation can make all the difference.


In wrapping up, storing a mattress in your garage isn’t just about tossing it in a corner and forgetting it exists until your in-laws decide to make a surprise visit. No, it’s more like preparing a cozy winter den for a bear—your mattress is the bear, and your garage is the den, if you will. First and foremost, confirm that your garage is up to the task—clean, dry, and as welcoming as a garage can be for something that’s not a car or a forgotten set of golf clubs.

As we’ve seen, the care you put into prepping and placing your mattress can make all the difference. Whether you’re swathing it in a high-quality cover or finding that perfect flat spot away from dampness and pests, every step is about preserving the comfort and longevity of your sleep sanctuary. Remember, regular checks are your best defense against unwanted surprises. Think of it as visiting a friend to make sure they’re doing well.

And should the day come when your mattress must bid the garage goodbye, whether back into your home or onto newer pastures, make sure it’s as fresh and ready as the day it went into storage. So, there you have it—a mattress’s journey through the trials and tribulations of garage storage, wrapped up with a bow of diligence and care. Here’s to many more years of dreamy slumber on your well-preserved mattress!

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