How to Store Lawn Mower in the Garage (Top Tips!)

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to efficiently store your lawn mower in your garage. Whether you’re pressed for space or just want to keep your equipment in top shape, storing your lawn mower properly is essential. From maximizing your garage layout to protecting your mower from the elements, this guide will walk you through every step of the process, ensuring your lawn mower remains in perfect condition year-round.

Key Takeaways:

  • Optimize Space: Learn how to make the most of your garage space, utilizing innovative storage solutions.
  • Seasonal Storage Tips: Discover specific steps for preparing your lawn mower for winter storage to prevent damage and ensure it’s ready for spring.
  • Maintenance During Storage: Get tips on how to maintain your mower while it’s stored, including routine checks and essential upkeep.
  • Safety and Security: Understand the best practices for storing your lawn mower safely to avoid accidents and ensure longevity.

This guide aims to provide practical, easy-to-follow advice that will help you store your lawn mower like a pro. Let’s dive in and turn your garage into a perfect haven for your lawn equipment!

Why Store Your Lawn Mower in the Garage?

Storing your lawn mower in the garage might seem like a simple decision, but it’s one that comes with numerous benefits. First and foremost, it’s about maximizing your space. Most garages provide ample area not just to park a car but to house tools and equipment snugly against walls or on shelves. This strategic use of space keeps your mower easily accessible yet out of the way.

Then, there’s the matter of protection. Your garage acts as a shield, keeping your lawn mower safe from the elements. Rain, snow, and excessive sun can wear down your mower prematurely, leading to rust, motor issues, and other malfunctions. By keeping it indoors, you extend its life and performance.

Safety is another key benefit. Lawn mowers, especially gas-powered ones, can be targets for theft if left out. A garage with a lockable door provides a secure environment, reducing the risk of theft and ensuring that it’s out of reach from children, which is crucial for household safety.

Lastly, think about the convenience. Having your mower within reach makes spontaneous lawn care easier. No more dragging it out from a shed across the yard—just roll it out, and you’re set to go. This convenience can make the mundane task of lawn care a bit more appealing, or at least less of a hassle.

These reasons highlight why dedicating a spot in your garage for your lawn mower is a smart move for any homeowner.

Preparing Your Garage for Lawn Mower Storage

Before stashing your lawn mower in the garage, it’s essential to prepare the space to ensure it’s not only clean but also organized for optimal storage. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get your garage ready:

Step 1: Declutter

Start by clearing out any unnecessary items. Over time, garages often become a dumping ground for all sorts of stuff. Sort through your tools, sports equipment, and old paint cans. Decide what you need, what can be donated, and what should be tossed. This process not only frees up space but also helps you see your garage’s potential.

Step 2: Assess and Improve Garage Conditions

Consider the environmental conditions of your garage. Is it damp? Does it fluctuate in temperature? Such conditions aren’t friendly to any machinery, especially not your lawn mower. Installing a dehumidifier can control moisture levels, and adding proper insulation can minimize temperature swings. Both steps help protect your mower from rust and other damage.

Step 3: Create a Storage Plan

Visualize where everything should go. Think about the best spot for your lawn mower that allows easy access without blocking other items. You might find that corner storage or a specific wall can be most effective. Mark out zones for different categories like gardening tools, automotive items, and holiday decorations, ensuring that each has its own space.

Step 4: Implement Storage Solutions

Invest in shelving units, hooks, and bins. Shelves elevate items off the floor, preventing damage from any water or pests. Hooks are great for hanging larger tools and keeping them out of the way, while bins can be used for smaller items. Label everything clearly to save time whenever you’re searching for something specific.

Step 5: Final Touches

Once everything has a place, give the floor a good sweep or even a power wash. A clean floor reduces dust and dirt that could scratch or clog your mower. Finally, make a regular cleaning schedule to maintain this newfound order.

By following these steps, not only will your mower be stored properly, but your entire garage will be a more functional and pleasant space. Who knows, you might even discover that you’ve got more room than you thought—enough for that new tool you’ve had your eye on!

Innovative Lawn Mower Storage Ideas

When space in the garage is tight, creative solutions can make a world of difference. Consider these inventive ways to store your lawn mower that not only save space but also make your garage look orderly and accessible.

Vertical Storage: One of the cleverest ways to store a lawn mower is by going vertical. Install wall-mounted hooks or a sturdy bracket on a wall in your garage. This method is especially useful for manual or smaller electric mowers, as it keeps them off the floor and out of the way, making more room for other items or activities.

Under-the-Workbench Storage: If you have a workbench in your garage, utilize the space underneath it for your lawn mower. This hidden yet accessible option keeps the mower out of sight but ready for use. It’s like a secret compartment for your garden tools!

Pulley Systems: For those who love a bit of mechanics, a pulley system can be an exciting project. This setup allows you to hoist your lawn mower up to the ceiling of your garage. It’s not only a great space-saver but also turns storing your mower into a neat trick, showing off your garage’s dual function as a practical and innovative space.

Foldable Ramps: Incorporate foldable ramps that can be attached to shelving units. This is particularly handy for riding mowers, as the ramp makes it easy to roll the mower up for storage on a higher platform, and then fold away when not in use.

Corner Nooks: Every garage has corners, but they’re often underutilized. Transform a corner into a cozy nook for your lawn mower with custom shelving or a small storage shed that fits perfectly into that space. It’s a simple yet effective way to organize your tools.

Each of these ideas not only optimizes your garage space but also protects your lawn mower from the wear and tear of being improperly stored. So why not turn a simple storage task into an opportunity to upgrade your garage’s functionality and style? After all, a well-organized garage is a happier garage!

Get more storage ideas in my article on storing bulky items like snowblower in the garage as well.

Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Storing Your Lawn Mower

Here’s your detailed step-by-step guide to safely storing your lawn mower in the garage:

1. Clean Thoroughly Before Storage: Start by removing any grass, dirt, or debris from the lawn mower. This is crucial because built-up material can invite rust and corrosion during storage. A simple brush-off and a wipe-down can make a big difference.

2. Disconnect the Power Source: For safety, disconnect the mower’s power source. If it’s a gas mower, drain the fuel tank to prevent the gas from going stale and damaging the engine. For electric mowers, remove the battery if possible; if not, ensure it is fully charged and turned off.

3. Change or Clean Filters and Oil: Replace or clean the air filter, and change the oil if necessary. This will help to ensure that your mower starts easily when you next need to use it.

4. Check and Lubricate Moving Parts: Lubricate the mower’s moving parts, such as the wheels and blades. This will protect them from rust and ensure smooth operation.

5. Find the Right Spot in the Garage: Choose a dry, flat area away from any heat sources or excessive moisture. Avoid placing the mower near windows where it can be exposed to sunlight, as UV rays can deteriorate plastic parts over time.

6. Use a Cover or Tarp: Even inside a garage, it’s a good idea to cover your lawn mower with a breathable cover or tarp to protect it from dust and accidental scratches.

7. Elevate Off the Floor If Possible: If space allows, consider elevating the mower on a platform or shelves to avoid any risk of water damage from spills or flooding.

8. Ensure Accessibility: Position your mower in such a way that it’s easy to access and remove when needed. Avoid burying it behind or under other stored items which can be a hassle to move.

This approach not only keeps your mower safe and secure but also makes it ready to use when the next lawn care season rolls around. Remember, a little effort in preparation can save a lot of trouble later on!

Special Considerations for Different Types of Lawn Mowers

Type of MowerIdeal Storage Place in Garage
Push MowersUpright against a wall or on wall hangers if permitted by manufacturer.
Self-Propelled MowersUpright in a corner or on wall mounts to save space.
Riding MowersOn the floor under sturdy shelves or on a raised platform.
Electric MowersOn high shelves or hanging racks; battery stored separately.
Robotic MowersIn a secure corner with their charging dock; ensure cleanliness.

When deciding where to place your lawn mower in the garage, the type of mower you own plays a significant role. Here’s what to consider for different models:

Push Mowers and Self-Propelled Mowers: These are often lighter and more compact. Storing them upright can save space and prevent oil or fuel leakage. Just make sure the manufacturer recommends vertical storage!

Riding Mowers: Due to their size and weight, riding mowers typically require more floor space. Consider parking them under sturdy shelves where they’re out of the way, or use large, custom-built platforms to keep them off the ground and protect from flooding.

Electric Mowers: Electric models benefit from being kept in dry conditions away from moisture to prevent electrical faults. Hanging them or placing them on high shelves can keep vital electrical components safe. Remember to remove the battery if it’s detachable, storing it separately in a cool, dry place.

Robotic Mowers: These high-tech helpers are usually compact and sometimes come with their own charging docks. If possible, designate a small, secure corner of your garage for the dock, ensuring the robot is clean and dry before storage.

Each mower type has unique storage needs, but general rules like cleaning the mower thoroughly before stowing it away and checking for any loose parts apply universally. This not only keeps your garage organized but also extends the life of your lawn mower, ensuring it’s ready when you need it.

How to Store Your Lawn Mower in the Garage During Winter

Storing your lawn mower during the colder months requires a bit of preparation to keep it in top shape for spring. First, start by giving your mower a good clean. Leftover grass and debris can trap moisture and encourage rust, so a thorough wipe-down is crucial. Next, consider the fuel situation. 

If your mower runs on gas, you’ll want to drain the fuel tank to prevent the gas from going stale and gumming up the engine. Alternatively, you can add a fuel stabilizer to keep the gas fresh longer.

Battery care is also essential. For electric mowers, remove the battery and store it in a cool, dry place—not too cold, as extreme cold can reduce battery life. This simple step can extend the longevity of your mower’s battery considerably.

Finally, find a suitable spot in your garage that’s dry and free from major temperature swings. Cover your mower with a breathable cover—not plastic, as that can trap moisture and foster rust. By taking these steps, you safeguard your lawn mower from winter’s harsh elements, ensuring it starts up smoothly when the mowing season rolls back around.

Maintenance Tips While Lawn Mower is Stored

Storing your lawn mower in the garage isn’t just about finding the right spot and covering it up. To keep it in top condition, regular maintenance is key, even when it’s not actively cutting grass. Here are a few straightforward tips to keep your mower running smoothly:

First, even in storage, give your mower a quick check every month. A simple look-over can prevent rust and keep moving parts functioning. Focus especially on the blades—sharp and rust-free blades mean an easier start come spring.

Next, think about the battery. If your mower runs on battery power, disconnect it before storing and charge it periodically. This avoids the dreaded dead battery when you need it most.

Lubrication is your friend. Before you tuck your mower away, lubricate moving parts. This reduces wear and tear and makes sure that everything runs smoothly when it’s time to mow again.

Lastly, don’t let old fuel sit in your mower over the winter. Old fuel can degrade and clog your engine. Drain it out as the season ends, or use a fuel stabilizer if draining isn’t possible. This small step can save you a big headache later.

Remember, a little attention during the off-season can lead to a lot less stress during mowing season. Keep up with these simple tasks, and your mower will be ready to go when the grass starts growing.

Enhancing Your Garage for Better Storage

Looking to turn your garage into a more efficient storage area for your lawn mower and other tools? Let’s explore some practical enhancements that can help you maximize your space and keep your equipment in top shape.

First off, consider installing a pegboard. A simple, versatile solution, pegboards allow you to hang small tools and accessories, freeing up floor space for larger items like your lawn mower. Another game changer is the use of clear storage bins on shelving units. This setup not only helps in organizing smaller items but also makes them easily visible so you can grab what you need without rummaging through piles.

Don’t overlook the potential of overhead storage racks either. These are perfect for items that are infrequently used but still need a spot out of the way, like seasonal gear or old project materials. Lastly, why not add a mobile tool cart? This little addition can be a real time-saver, keeping your frequently used tools handy and mobile, ready to move wherever you are in the garage.

By integrating these small changes, you can transform your garage from cluttered to classified without breaking the bank or your back! If you’re planning to space-consuming items such as furniture in your garage, these tips will come in handy as well.


In wrapping up, knowing how to properly store your lawn mower in the garage not only preserves its longevity but also ensures your safety and maximizes your space. Whether you choose vertical storage to save floor space or a specially designed shelf for easy accessibility, these strategies make a real difference. 

Remember, the winter months demand extra care like fuel treatment and battery removal to keep your mower in peak condition. 

So take a moment, apply these tips, and transform your garage into a functional, organized space that protects your investment year-round. Happy storing, and here’s to a well-maintained lawn mower ready to tackle the grass when spring rolls around!

FAQs on Storing Lawn Mower in the Garage

Is it safe to store a lawn mower in the garage?

Absolutely! Storing your lawn mower in the garage is safe as long as you follow some basic precautions like ensuring the mower is clean, the fuel tank is appropriately managed, and it’s stored away from any source of heat or sparks.

Can you hang a lawn mower in the garage?

Yes, you can hang certain types of lawn mowers in the garage. Vertical storage solutions are ideal for space-saving and can be suitable for push and electric mowers. Just make sure that the wall mounts are sturdy and the mower is securely fastened.

How should you store a lawn mower in the garage during winter?

Winter requires special considerations to prevent damage. Drain the fuel, remove the battery if applicable, and clean the mower thoroughly. Storing your mower with a cover can also protect it from dust and debris.

What is the best way to store a gasoline-powered lawn mower?

For gasoline-powered mowers, it is crucial to empty the fuel or use a fuel stabilizer to prevent the petrol from degrading and damaging the engine. Ensure the mower is clean and dry, and store it in a well-ventilated area of your garage.

Are there any specific maintenance tasks to perform before storing a lawn mower for a long period?

Yes, maintenance tasks such as changing the oil, cleaning or replacing the air filter, and sharpening the blades are essential. Also, check and lubricate moving parts to ensure your mower remains in good working order while stored.

How can I maximize space when storing multiple garden tools in the garage?

Utilize vertical space with wall-mounted racks and hooks for tools like rakes and shovels. Ceiling-mounted storage can be great for larger items. Consider using multi-level shelving units to organize smaller tools and accessories effectively.

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